There are 3 ways to Partner Financially with us from the U.K.
1. You can deposit funds straight into our UK Lloyds Bank Account using the bank details Lloyds Bank Account Name: M A & J H Morse
Account No: 01950441 Sort Code 30-92-97
2. You can use our secure online giving platform using your credit or debit card at to set up a onetime gift or a recurring gift.
3. You can give through Stewardship at this link
We are honoured that Stewardship, the leading UK charity promoting generous & tax-effective giving, established in 1906; has chosen to approve the work we are doing to change lives around the world, as one of the causes you can now support through their organisation.
This means that UK supporters can give directly to us through Stewardship and choose to add an additional 25% from Tax they have already paid to the amount you give at no cost to you. It is easy to give online by clicking on this link:Â Click Here to give through Stewardship
Stewardship are a charitable organization set up in the UK to handle donations to Missionaries and organizations making a difference in the world. You are now able to set up your monthly giving through them and this means you are giving to a UK based charitable organization and we will receive 100% of what you give. They also give tax deductible receipts and for personal givers, the Gift Aid scheme means we would get 25% extra too for gifts from UK tax payers.
Having sold our home, furniture and vehicle in the U.K. to fund our ministry we are now raising up financial partners to fund the work we do serving as missionaries. We are thankful for the financial support of churches in the US and for the gifts which friends in the UK and USA, and people we don’t always know personally, deposit in our account. This makes it possible for us to continue to serve in missions’ ministry on a voluntary basis.
The Go To Nations Leadership Team at the World Headquarters are all full-time missionaries and raise their own funds for ministry throughout the world.
Please consider how you could partner with us in our ministry at this time.
You can also give via our bank account using the following details:
Lloyds Bank Account Name: M A & J H Morse
Account No: 01950441 Sort Code 30-92-97
Thank you for your valued partnership.
Mark & Julie